End user portals & services
End user portals & services
- Crossroads Bank Enterprises – Public search
- (paid)
- eHealth portal
- eServices FPS Finance
- GovApp
- Internal Market Information System (IMI)
- Izimi
- Just-on-web
- Lokale registratiekantoren
- Mijn burgerprofiel (Vlaanderen)
- My e-box
- MyCareer
- MyHealthViewer (sickness funds)
- MyPension
- National Register – My File
- Personal health viewer
- Rechtenverkenner
- Social security portal
- Sociale kaart
- Vergelijking intresten & tarieven
EU & Belgian organisations
EU & Belgian organisations
- Athumi (Vlaams Datanutsbedrijf)
- Belgian Chamber of Representatives
- Belgian Constitutional Court
- BOSA – DG Digital Transformation
- Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB)
- Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Cebam)
- Crossroads Bank for Social Security
- DiversiCom
- eHealth platform
- EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
- EU eHealth Network
- EU eID User Community
- Federal Service Administrative Simplification
- Health Data Agency
- Information Security Committee
- Intermutualist Agency
- Passwerk cvba
- Sciensano
- Smals vzw
- Supervisory bodies
International & foreign organisations
International & foreign organisations
Projects & others
Projects & others
- Belgian Integrated Health Record (B-IHR)
- CoderDojoBelgium
- DESI dashboard
- Digital Government Index
- eHealth action plan 2022-2024
- eHealth initiatives
- EU digital programmes
- European Commission – ISA²
- For a healthy Belgium
- Glossary DigitalHealthEurope
- Ik beslis over mijn privacy
- Magenta-project
- Mobile Health Belgium
- Natural farming
- Smals vzw – Research
- Social economy
- Websites of inspiring people
Articles récents
- Le caractère juridique des délibérations du Comité de sécurité de l’information (CSI)
- Réutilisation et partenariat public-privé pour l’authentification mobile et le portefeuille numérique
- L’échange d’informations électroniques dans les soins de santé en Belgique
- Quelques défis de la protection des données
- La Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale et la Plate-forme eHealth: ‘big brother’ ou ‘data protection by design’ ?
Reuse & shared services
Reuse & shared services
- App & game construction
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Authentic sources
- Belgian Web Accessibility
- Cloud Maturity Model (CMM)
- Cyberfundamentals framework
- Digital Convergence Initiative
- Digital Health Uptake
- Digital open
- eHealth platform
- FAIR portal HealthData
- G-Cloud
- Joinup (European Commission)
- Local & regional authorities
- MyData federal government
- MyData social sector
- Open data federal government
- Open source initiatives
- openEHR
- OSLO standaardenregister
- Smals reuse catalog
Status ICT services
Status ICT services